Data protection

Website privacy statement and information for those concerned in accordance with article 13 and 14 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

General information

Information about the responsible company


Bluebird Legal & Tax

Legal representatives: Dr. Nadia C. Altenburg


Hohe Bleichen 8
20354 Hamburg

Data protection officer’s contact information:

Dr. Nadia C. Altenburg
Phone: +49 176 24 86 66 34

General information about use of data

Relevant data: Personal data will only be collected if such data was provided to us voluntarily. Other than in these circumstances, no personal data will be collected. We will process your personal data only with your personal consent, unless permitted by statute.

Purpose of processing:
Implementation of contract.

Categories of recipients:
Public authorities, in the case of priority legislation.
External service providers or other contractors.

Other external bodies, to the extent that the person concerned has given his/her consent
or if an overriding interest in the transfer of the data exists and is permitted.

Third country transfer:
Within the context of the execution of the contract, data may also be used by processors located outside the EU.

Data retention period:
The retention period of data is dependent upon the statutory retention obligation, which is usually 10 years.

Specific information about the website

Use of information authorised by registration for the Bluebird Legal & Tax newsletter

When registering for our newsletter, your e-mail address is required. Optional further data may also be provided by you during this registration process. This data is only used for the purposes of circulating our newsletter. Any data collected during the newsletter registration process is only saved until such time as you unsubscribe. You are able to unsubscribe at any time via the link in the newsletter or by sending us a notification to this effect. When either of these steps is taken by you, they serve to withdraw your consent to any future use of your e-mail address.

Furthermore, your e-mail address, as received via the newsletter registration process, is also used in order to inform you about upcoming Bluebird Legal & Tax events.

Such events are organized by Bluebird Legal & Tax. By subscribing to our newsletter, you allow us to disclose your contact data.

Use of LinkedIn Insight Tag

This website uses “LinkedIn Insight Tag”, a conversion tool of LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, which is dependent on website visitors’ consent. This tool creates “cookies”, i.e. text files that are stored on your computer. These cookies allow us to analyse the use of our website. On behalf of the operator of this website, LinkedIn will use this information for the purposes of evaluating the use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing further supplies of services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website operator. We would like to point out that this website only uses "LinkedIn Insight Tag" after consent is given by website visitors. IP addresses will be processed in a truncated form in order to prevent them from being traced back to a specific user.

Use of Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer to help the website analyse how visitors use the site. The information generated by the cookies about your use of the website will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. If you anonymize your IP address for this website, your IP address will be shortened and only then transmitted to processors located in the EU or other Contracting States on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases, will the complete IP address be transmitted by Google to servers in the United States and be shortened from there.  On behalf of the website operator, Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services for the website operator relating to website activity and internet usage. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser; however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. Furthermore, you can prevent Google’s collection and use of data generated by the cookies and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available. For browsers on mobile devices, you can prevent your data from anonymized use by Google Analytics through a so-called “opt-out-cookie” by clicking on the following link: javascript:gaOptout().

Google Ads Conversion Tracking

This website uses Google Ads Conversion Tracking, a web analytics service provided by Google. Google Ads Conversion Tracking also uses cookies, which are placed on your computer to help the website analyse how visitors use the site. The information generated by the cookies about your use of the website will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your data with any other data held by Google. You can generally prevent the use of cookies, if you refuse the retention of cookies in your browser settings.

Use of own cookies

This website uses its own cookies in order to improve the site’s user-friendliness (cookies are records sent by the webserver to the user’s browser and are stored there for later use). No personal data is stored by means of the use of our own cookies. You can generally prevent the use of cookies, if you refuse the retention of cookies in your browser settings.

Information on further data processing procedures

Specific information on the application process

Relevant data:
Application data

Purpose of processing:
Implementation of application process

Categories of recipients:
Public authorities, in the case of priority legislation.
External service providers or other contractors.
Other external bodies, to the extent that the person concerned has given his/her consent or if an overriding interest in the transfer of the data exists and is permitted.

Third country transfer:
Within the execution of the contract, data might also be used by processors outside the EU.

Data retention period:
If there is no consent for a longer retention period, application data will normally be deleted within four months of an applicant being informed as to whether his/her application has been successful or not.

Specific information in order to process data of clients or interested parties

Relevant data:
Data provided for the purpose of implementation of a contract; other than in these circumstances, no data will be transmitted without your express consent.

Purpose of processing:
Bluebird Legal & Tax Newsletter.

Categories of recipients:
Public authorities, in the case of priority legislation
External service providers or other contractors.
Other external bodies, to the extent that the person concerned has given his/her consent or if an overriding interest in the transfer of the data exists and is permitted.

Third country transfer:
Within the context of the newsletter subscription, your contact data will be transmitted to Bluebird Legal & Tax and stored for as long as you subscribe to our newsletter.

Data retention period:
The retention period of data is dependent on the period of your newsletter subscription.

If you wish to stop receiving our newsletter, you can unsubscribe at any time.

Specific information on processing data of employees

Relevant data:
Data provided for the purpose of implementation of a contract; other than in these circumstances, no data will be transmitted without your express consent.

Purpose of processing:
Implementation of contract.

Categories of recipients:
Public authorities, in the case of priority legislation.
External service providers or other contractors.
Other external bodies, to the extent that the person concerned has given his/her consent or if an overriding interest in the transfer of the data exists and is permitted.

Third country transfer:
Within the context of the execution of the contract, data may also be used by processors located outside the EU.

Data retention period:
The retention period of data is dependent upon the statutory retention obligation, which is usually 10 years.

Further information and contact details

Furthermore, you can, at any time, assert your claim for data rectification, deletion and/or limitation of processing or exercise your right to prevent data from being transmitted or used. Click here to contact us via e-mail or letter ( also have the right, should you see fit, to file a complaint with the data protection authority.